Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tongkonan Toraja

Tongkonan is a traditional house of Toraja people. The roof is curved like a boat, consisting of bamboo structure (currently part tongkonan using zinc roof). At the front there is a row of water buffalo horn. The interior of the room used as a bed and kitchen. Tongkonan used also as a place tostore the bodies. Tongkonan derived from the word tongkon (meaning sit together). Tongkonandivided based on the level or role in society (social Stara Society Toraja). In front there tongkonanrice granary, the so-called 'grass'. Granary poles are made from palm tree trunks (Bangah) is currently partly already casted. At the front of the barn there are a variety of carvings, including a picture of chicken and sun, a symbol to resolve the matter.

Especially in Sillanan-Pemanukan (Tallu Lembangna) known by the term Ma'duangtondok tongkonanthere is Tongkonan Karua (eight home tongkonan) and Tongkonan A'pa '(four home tongkonan),which plays a role in the community.

Tongkonan karua consists of :
1. Tongkonan Pangrapa '(Kabarasan)
2. Tongkonan Sangtanete Jioan
3. Tongkonan Nosu (To intoi masakka'na)
4. Tongkonan Sissarean
5. Tongkonan ToPanglawa field
6. Tongkonan Tomanta'da
7. Tongkonan To'lo'le Jaoan
8. Tongkonan ToBarana '

Tongkonan A'pa 'consists of :
1. Tongkonan Peanna Guess'
2. Tongkonan To'induk
3. Tongkonan Karorrong
4. Tongkonan Tondok Bangla '(Pemanukan)

Many traditional houses in Sillanan tongkonan reputedly said, but according to the local community, that is said tongkonan only 12 as noted above. Another traditional house called banuapa'rapuan. Was said in Sillanan tongkonan is custom house where derivatives play a role in the localindigenous community. Descendants of tongkonan describe the social strata of society in Sillanan.Example Tongkonan Pangrapa '(Kabarasan) / holders of government power. If there are people whodied and deducted two buffaloes, one head of buffalo brought to Tongkonan Pangrapa 'to be dividedderivatives.

In community social Stara Sillanan on for over 3 levels, namely :
1. Ma'dika (blue blood / descendant of nobility);
2. To macaques (free man / free);
3. Kaunan (slaves), slaves still be subdivided into 3 levels.

Tongkonan, derived from the word 'tongkon' which means 'to sit together'. Tongkonan always be facing towards the north, which is considered as a source of life. Based on archaeological research, the Toraja came from Yunan, Tongkin Bay, China. Immigrants from China are then berakulturasi with the indigenous population of South Sulawesi.

Tongkonan the form of a wooden house on stilts, where water pools under the house is usually used as a byre. Tongkonan boat-shaped roof, which symbolizes the origin of the Toraja in Sulawesi who arrived by boat from China. At the front of the house, beneath the towering roof, mounted buffalo horns. The number of buffalo horn symbolizes the number of funerals that have been done by the family owners of tongkonan. On the left side of the house (facing west) is installed in the jaw who had slaughtered the buffalo, while on the right side (facing east) mounted jaw pig.In front there tongkonan rice granary, the so-called 'grass'. Granary poles are made from palm tree trunks ('Bangah') are slippery, so the mice can not go up into the barn. At the front of the barn there are a variety of carvings, including a picture of chicken and sun, a symbol to resolve the matter.In understanding the Toraja, tongkonan regarded as the 'mother', while the grass is as 'father'.Tongkonan function for residential, social activities, ceremonies, and fostering kinship. The inside of the house is divided into three parts, namely the northern, central, and south. The room in the northern part is called 'tangalok', serves as a living room, where children sleep, is also the place put offerings. The room section tengahdisebut 'Sali', serves as a dining room, family gatherings, where lay the dead, also the kitchen. The south room is called 'Sumbung', is a room for the head of the family. The room to the south is also considered a source of disease.The bodies of the dead not be buried immediately, but stored in tongkonan. Before the funeral, the bodies are deemed as 'the sick'.In order not to foul, the corpse was embalmed with formalin kind of traditional herb, which is made of betel leaf and banana juice. If the funeral will be conducted, first corpse stored in barns for 3 days.Toraja traditional coffin called 'erong', shaped for the female pig and buffalo for men. For the nobility, made erong shaped custom homes.

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