Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sasak House

Sasak tribes is a native and ethnic majority in Lombok, NTB. As indigenous peoples, tribes have Sasak culture system as recorded in the book of essays Nagara Kartha Gama master Nala from Majapahit. In the book, the Sasak tribe called "Sak-Sak Lomboq Adhi Mirah." If the currently authored the book Sasak tribe has a culture of sustainable systems, the ability to still exist until now, this is one proof that the tribe is able to protect and preserve traditional .

One form of proof of Sasak culture is a form of building custom homes. House is not just a place to multifunction occupancy, but also have aesthetic and philosophical messages of its inhabitants, both the architecture and layout space. Sasak traditional houses on the roof shaped like a mountain, dive to the bottom with a range of about 1.5 to 2 meters above the ground. Roof and bubungannya (BUNGUS) made of beams, walls of woven bamboo, only has one small and no windows. Columns (kernel) is divided into Inan bale (holding area) which includes bale out (sleeping) and bale palace be a place to store wealth, the mother gave birth to space once before the buried corpse burried space. Dalem bale space equipped divan, kitchen, and sempare (a place to store food and other household appliances) are made from bamboo size 2 x 2 meters square or rectangular can. Furthermore there is sesangkok (living room) and the entrance to the pan. Between the bale and bale out the door and stairs palace there (three places) and the form of a mixture of ground floor with buffalo dung or horse, rubber and straw ash. Terraces, terraces (steps), used as a bridge between rural and bale bale palace.

Another thing that quite interesting to note from home Sasak traditional development patterns. In building the house, the Sasak adapt to the needs of family or group will not. That is, development is not just to mememenuhi family needs but also the needs of the group. Because the concept is, the housing complex Sasak culture appears regularly as harmonious life reflects the local population. Lombok traditional house form developed during the reign of the Karang Asem (17th century), in which the architecture of Bali Lombok married to architecture. In addition to shelter, the house also has an aesthetic, philosophical, and simple life of the residents in the past that rely on natural resources as a daily maintenance cost, as well as the development of the house. The floor of the house is a mixture of clay, rubber tree and darkvictory Banten (local term), plus the existing coke batteries in the rocks, ashes of burnt straw, then oiled with buffalo dung or horse at the top floor. Material to the floor of the house serves as gluten, also use to avoid the floor is not moist. Flooring materials to be used, by the people at Dusun Sade, considering buffalo dung or cow can not bersenyawa with clay which is the type of soil in the orchard.

Sasak traditional home construction was presumably associated with the Islamic perspective. Of stairs last three is the symbol of the human life cycle: birth, grow, and die. Also as batih family (father, mother, and children), or four-poster berugak symbol of Islam: Holy Quran, Hadith, Ijma, Qiyas). Junior and senior children in the age determined the location of his house. Parents' home at the highest level, followed by the eldest and youngest daughter was in the rock bottom. This is a teaching of moral values ​​that the sister in the attitude and acts should be the role models sister. The house facing east on the old symbolic meaning that it first receive / enjoy the warm morning sun rather than the young physically stronger. It also could mean, so leave the house to work and earn a living, people wish they had pleased God through the prayers of them, and it was noted that the door of his house facing east or opposite to the direction of the sun (west / test). Guests even have to stoop when entering a relatively short doors. Perhaps the bow position was indirectly hinted an existing ethics or honor to the host from the guest.

Then the barn, but to teach its citizens to live prudently and not extravagant for logistics stocks stored therein, can only be taken at certain times, such as once a month. Logistic materials (rice and palawija) shall not be dikuras out, but disisakan for urgent need, such as failing to anticipate harvest due to weather and crop damaging animals attack or material to provide syukuran if there is a family member died.

Berugak that is in front of the house, as well as a tribute to the things which the Lord, also serves as a living, receiving guests, also a control tool for the local people. For example, if you arrive at nine in the morning still sitting in berugak and do not leave home to work in the fields, farms, and farms, perhaps he is ill.

Since the process of planning a house built, the role of women or wife come first. For example, the distance usuk bamboo roof frame as wide as the head of the wife, the high storage kitchen tool (sempare) must be accomplished wife's arm, but the width of the body-sized door wife. To develop and rehabilitate the house done in mutual assistance in spite of food, the following building materials, provided by the host.

In the Sasak people, home is in the dimension of the sacred (holy) and the profane world) simultaneously. This means that traditional Sasak house as well as a shelter and gather the family members is also a place sacred rituals fulfilled as a manifestation of confidence in God, ancestral spirits (papuk blocks) bale (house spirits). Changes in the knowledge society, the increasing number of residents and changes in many other external factors (such as safety factors, geographical, and topographical) causes changes in the functional and physical form of the custom house. Nevertheless, the concept of development, such as architecture, layout, and retains the characteristic pattern is based on traditional philosophical values ​​which are transmitted from generation to generation.

Time and Location Selection
To get started building the house, find the appropriate time, be guided on the board warige who came from Adam and Tajul Tapel almanac Muluq. Not everyone has the ability to determine a good day, usually people who want to build a house to ask the customary leaders. Sasak people of Lombok believe that a good time to start building the house is in the third and twelfth month of the Sasak removal, which is the month Rabiul Awal and Muharram in the Islamic calendar. There is also and determines based on the names of people who will build the house. While most avoided months (abstinence) to build the house was in the month of Muharram and Ramadlan. In the second of this month, according to the faith community, houses built tend to invite disaster, such as disease, fire, confidential Rizqi, and so on.

Besides the question of a good time to start development, the Sasak are also selective in determining the location of the home stand. They believe that the incorrect location may result in less favorable to dedicate it. For example, they will not be developed on the former fireplace tumah, former landfills, the former pit, and the position of the road or rails GUBUG skewers. In addition, the Sasak people will not build a house opposite to the direction and size different from the first house there. According to them, violates the concept of an act against the taboo (maliq-lenget).

While the material needed to build the house, among others: the wooden brackets, bamboo, woven from bamboo for the walls, straw and coarse grass used for roofing, kotaran buffalo or horses as a mixture of materials to stiffen the floor, rubber tree and darkvictory Banten , ashes of straw, used as a mixture to stiffen the floor.

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