Monday, September 10, 2012

Honai House

Papua is home Honai typical inhabited by the Dani. Honai houses made of wood with a conical roof made of straw or reeds. Honai has a small door and no windows. Actually, the structure was built Honai narrow or small, windowless intended to withstand the cold mountains of Papua.

Honai consists of two floors of the first floor as a bed and a second floor for a place to relax, eat, and do crafts. Due to built 2 floor, Honai has approximately 2.5 meters high. In the middle of the house prepared a place for a bonfire to warm themselves. Honai house is divided into three types, namely for men (called Honai), women (called Ebei), and pigsty (called Wamai)

Honai ordinary house inhabited by 5 to 10 people. Honai house in one building used for a place to rest (sleep), other buildings for dining together, and the third building to the cattle pens. Houses Honai generally divided into two levels. Ground floor and first floor are connected by stairs from bamboo. The men slept on the ground floor in a circle, while the women slept on the floor

Inside the house Honai or Ebei, look no single household. Honai indeed be a home for people in the township Wamena. But for the beds, they only use dry grass as the base. Alas it will be replaced with new grass taken from the field or garden, if you've seen dirty. Inside Honai also no chairs or tables, they make the floor of the house made of soil as a cushion.

Inside the house Honai also no electric lights. For lighting, they make fire by digging the soil in the bottom floor of the house to be a furnace. Because Honai has no windows and illumination only from the fire, the atmosphere in the house will feel more and more dark when night falls.

In a housing complex occupied by one family and there are several Honai. The number indicates the number of wives Honai there, here found many men of more than one wife in particular tribal chiefs or Ondoafi.

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