Thursday, September 6, 2012


Joglo is a traditional house of Javanese society. Consisting of 2 main sections namely Pendapa anddeep. Pendapa this part is the front that have a large room Joglo without barriers, typically used toreceive guests or a playroom where children and family leisure. The inside is part of a room in thehouse bedroom, living room and other spaces that are more privacy. The characteristics of the building is on the roof pendapanya towering like a mountain.

Type of Building Joglo Variations
  1. Joglo limasan lawakan atau “joglo lawakan”.
  2. Joglo Sinom
  3. Joglo Jompongan
  4. Joglo Pangrawit
  5. Joglo Mangkurat
  6. Joglo Hageng
  7. Joglo Semar Tinandhu
  8. Joglo Lambang Sari

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